Hide & Show Comment Badges
If you're anything like us - there are times when a single page might have 50+ comments on it. When this happens, your site can look as if it's caught a bad case of blueberry Chickenpox.
To better help you leave feedback and still see your site - we've introduced a Hide & Show button! Click the Eye in the footer to hide all your comment badges and click again to show them :)
Play & Pause the Inspector
After gathering some great feedback from y'all - we realized if you're in the "Inspect" mode but want to click on a button or go to another page, you'll need to close out of Toybox or switch to Comment mode to do so.
To fix this, we've introduced a Play and Pause button! If you press the Pause button, the Inspecting will stop and you'll be able to click on elements, etc. Simply press play to resume inspecting :)
Bug Fixes & improvements
In this release, we've also pushed a few smaller bug fixes and UX improvements to make your Toybox experience even better.